
Thursday, March 31, 2011

I got tudored and while we on our way to the shelter my sister Baby Bea peed on me. Nice. On the plus side thoughmy person was with me. When we got to the shelter i was put in this holding crate. It was so small and cramped. I hated it. It absoluttly sucked. When me, Bea and my mom shadow got to where we were going (which took forever!!!!!!), we taken from our crates to another crate. And then we sat there and sat there. And we sat there more and more, longer and longer. Finally, a twoleg comes and takes me out of my crate. He took me to this fowl scenteeeed room and set me on a table. I dont really remamber what happens next except that i was out. When I woke up I was back in my crate waiting to go home. After a long day sitting in a cage we FINALLY goit to go home. It was late when another one of my housefolk came to pick me up but I was glad I was going home.
Im home, I finally made it home. I sooooo excited. My person is soooooooooooooo excited to see me. What will I do first. What will I do second. What will I peiod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Im still here in this stupid house and not likeing it much. My sister is a snotty brat and my brother want nothing to do with me. I feel the love. And the people here dont even pet me that offen. The big one with the short hair always is sleeping or not home, and the short one is always playing with the mini two-legs or at work. I mean seriosly I want to go home with my old person. She'd love me sooooo much. I want to go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Im at a different house now. I dont really know why. I like it here, Im with my older sister Vixen and my younger brother Stormy. My person is sad that Im not at home with her but Im actually having a good time. I didnt reconize my siblings for the first 2 days I was here. Now Im kinda imbaresed. I also got kenled.